5 min.

Have you ever found yourself thinking how much mindfulness has transformed your life? Perhaps you’re ready to take that transformation even deeper and share it with others, bringing more balance and purpose into your work and personal life. If so, a Mindfulness Teacher Training could be the next step in your journey.

Mindfulness is no longer a niche practice—it’s now widely embraced in personal development, workplaces, health sectors, education, leadership, parenting, and beyond. As it becomes mainstream, there’s a growing need for qualified teachers with certified training who can skillfully bring mindfulness into these diverse areas.

Starting in February 2025, Brussels Mindfulness offers a comprehensive Mindfulness Teacher Training Programme over 1.5 years, led by experienced teachers including Lot Heijke, Sandrine Rauter, Beate Trück, Yvonne Tuinte,  and Peter Paanacker. This programme leads to a Certificate of Competency in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and the “Finding Peace in a Frantic World” program, equipping you with the expertise to guide others.

Even if you’re not sure whether teaching mindfulness is your long-term goal, this training offers profound personal growth and an opportunity to cultivate greater wellbeing and resilience in both your personal and professional life.

7 Powerful Reasons to Join Our Mindfulness Teacher Training

Wondering if this is the right step for you? Here are 7 compelling reasons to consider joining our Mindfulness Teacher Training:

1. Deepen Your Mindfulness Practice and Understanding.

This training will significantly enhance your personal mindfulness practice while deepening your understanding of key concepts such as guiding meditations, the foundations of mindfulness, trauma-sensitive approaches, and psycho-education. You’ll develop the ability to integrate these skills into your life and professional practice.

2. Connect with Like-Minded Individuals Who Share Your Passion for Personal Growth.

The journey you embark on with a group of like-minded participants fosters strong bonds and shared growth. Past trainees have built lasting friendships, creating supportive networks that continue well beyond the training. Whether through shared challenges or life lessons, you’ll develop a sense of belonging and mutual support.

3. Seek Meaningful Change in Your Life.

Whether you’re searching for a new career direction or aiming to find more balance in your life, this training offers a space for self-reflection and discovery. It helps you connect with what truly matters and allows you to step away from your everyday routines, creating time and space to focus on your own growth and aspirations.

4. Boost Your Mental Strength and Wellbeing.

By listening deeply to yourself, you’ll gain new insights into how to live a more fulfilled and balanced life. The peaceful residential retreat setting adds to this experience, offering moments of tranquility in nature, nourishing meals, and the comfort of a shared mindfulness practice—providing a holistic environment for personal rejuvenation.

5. Learn How to Share Mindfulness with Others in a Professional, Skillful Way.

Whether you wish to teach 8-week mindfulness courses, incorporate mindfulness into coaching or therapy, or introduce mindfulness practices at work, this training equips you with the skills and confidence to do so effectively. You'll learn to guide others with mindfulness-based techniques that support both individual and collective wellbeing.

6. Clarify Your Purpose and Discover What You Have to Offer the World.

This training creates the opportunity for deep introspection. Surrounded by other soul-searchers, you will explore what you are truly meant to offer the world, gaining clarity about your life’s purpose. It’s a journey that not only fosters personal growth but can also bring long-lasting benefits as you begin to understand and embrace your unique contribution.

7. Develop Resilience and Well-being in the Workplace.

Mindfulness is more than a meditation practice—it’s a way to foster resilience, mental strength, and emotional balance, especially in high-pressure environments. This training equips you with tools that are increasingly sought after in the workplace, whether to prevent burnout or enhance team wellbeing. By leading mindfulness-based resilience programs or facilitating mindful practices at work, you can help create a healthier, more balanced workplace culture.

Why Others Joined

If some of this relates to you, you can find out more about our Teacher Training here or watch our video below:

Some Feedback from Former Participants of the Training

"When I engaged in the training I was not sure if I would like to become a mindfulness teacher. I only wanted to deepen my journey in a structured way with like-minded people. The training has given me so much more than what I was expecting. It has been transformative, enriching and given me an enormous number of tools and skills. At my work people have asked me to guide lunch-time meditation sessions and they keep on asking for more. It is such a joyful and deeply rewarding experience to provide these sessions that now I am seriously considering of giving an 8-week course."
– Course participant 

"This Teacher Training is so much more than I expected it to be. Learning about Mindfulness and MBSR is one thing. Becoming a well-equipped teacher is another and - if you ask me - essential criterium when you aspire to add value and coach people towards growth in (mindfulness) trainings. I'm happy to see this often very practical training is at the core of this. What I appreciate a lot personally is that this training is not only about the 'good news show' of mindfulness. We also spend time exploring criticism, different opinions, available research, history and future of mindfulness training." 
– Niels Piette, course participant. 

"I am so grateful that I have chosen this training. Jake is such a wonderful teacher and he really knows how to teach in a way to engage everyone. It is really fun to come to the modules and meet the other participants who have become real friends for me. The morning and evening meditation sessions are wonderful moments to deepen my practice and to come to rest. The location is a total bliss with wonderful food and its beautiful meditation hall. This will change your life for ever- in a positive direction- an absolute must if you are interested in mental growth and wellbeing!" 
– Course participant

 "The teacher training combines passion for mindfulness with a professional approach to teaching it. It strengthened my own meditation practice and gave me excellent guidance on how to practically implement an MBSR course. I would sign up straight away again!" 
– Silke Lalvani, course participant. 

"The Teacher Training programme has been one of the best learning experiences in my life. It sets very high academic standards in an environment that fosters openness, creativity and a deep human bond." 
– Elena Prokhorova, course participant.