9/07/25 till 13/07/25
In person


La Maison du Chemin des Roches
Centre pluraliste de méditation
Chemin des Roches 9
1370 Dongelberg

Calming the Mind, Opening the Heart

From Wednesday 9 July (11:00) until Sunday 13 July (14:00 - after lunch).

A silent mindfulness retreat led by senior mindfulness teacher Beate Trück

with the support of Luc de Bolle, Katrien Maes, Gosia Marmurowicz

Are you looking for a deeply nourishing summer break In beautiful Wallonia where you will be entirely spoilt and taken care of? A mindfulness retreat is the ideal place to nourish yourself: enjoy a beautiful location, delicious organic food, relaxing meditations, inspiring evening talks, moments of silence and moments of deep sharing with like-minded people, long walks and time-out from the busyness of daily life. Special treat for those who'd like to: Ayurvedic massages for deep healing with massage therapist Katrien Maes. New: Includes a session of Sound bath healing with Gosia. 

In this retreat we will take a deep dive into mindfulness and practice how to find inner peace and open our heart. Each day will offer a sustained schedule of guided meditations, yoga practices, possibility for group sharing, inspiring evening talks, all within an underlying environment of silence. It takes place at the beautiful "Maison du Chemin des Roches" in Wallonia, a retreat centre offering a  spacious meditation hall and garden. Enjoy delicious organic plant based food  and let yourself indulge in a detox for body and mind. 

This retreat is trauma-sensitive and also satisfies the prerequisite for attending the (second year of our) MBSR Teacher Training programme.

What Does a Retreat Look Like?

Being away from day-to-day demands and all the external chatter means time to reflect, to reconnect with your true self and with nature. When the part of you that wants to be in control and that is afraid of change is dominant, you are cut off from your deeper wisdom and intuition. But if you rest and create space to tap into your creative energy, you can get in touch with what truly matters and what kind of life you would really like to lead. People have reported that long after the retreat they could still feel the benefits of it, and that this nourishing feeling goes on for quite a while.

The retreat will be held in English. It will be mostly in silence, with the possibility for sharing in small groups.

If this is your first retreat you might want to read more in the article about what happens in a mindfulness retreat. 

What Does a Retreat Look Like?

You Will be Enjoying

  • The alternation of formal practices such as sitting and walking meditations and yoga
  • Practices for deep relaxation
  • Delicious and nourishing vegetarian food
  • Free time to enjoy walks or simply relaxing in the beautiful surroundings
  • A group of like-minded people with whom you can share experiences and grow together
  • Silence to encourage reflection and healing
  • Daily evening talks to deepen the learning
  • Opportunities to share your experiences in daily group meetings
  • A deeply relaxing sound bath healing session
  • Exclusive use of the entire location
  • The support of a small group of like-minded people in meditating together
  • Time to simply be and to rest
  • The possibility for a healing Ayurvedic massage
  • A relaxing lavender eye cushion
  • Bilateral talks with the trainer
You Will be Enjoying

Some Benefits of a Mindfulness Retreat

  • Tapping into your inner resources contributes to feeling more rested, relaxed and calm
  • Learning how to gain greater physical and psychological wellbeing
  • Powerful new insights to take back into your daily life
  • A new sense of inner freedom and the ability to see more clearly what really matters to you
  • Self-compassion and being on your own side
  • Getting clarity on how to stop some unhelpful habits in your life and how to replace them by more useful ones
  • The ability to respond more skilfully to life's challenges when they arise
  • Finding a way to peace and wholeness in this busy, stressful world we live in
  • A boost for your health through wholesome food  and detox 

For Whom?

This retreat is ideal for people who have followed a mindfulness course or have a regular meditation or yoga practice and are looking for ways to deepen their practice. It is ideal for advanced mindfulness practitioners and (future) mindfulness teachers. As with all our offerings, this retreat is trauma-sensitive. Nevertheless it is not recommended if you are currently suffering from depression or any other mental illness. Should you be in doubt, please contact the teacher before registering.

The Venue- a Haven of Peace

The retreat will take place in beautiful "Maison du Chemin des Roches" in Dongelberg, about 45 minutes from Brussels.

The location is a haven of peace and calm. It is surrounded by many beautiful walks through the fields and woods. The cook will provide us with delicious meals and herbal teas will be available throughout the retreat.

The accommodation is in simple, but comfortable rooms with shared bathrooms. 

Carpooling will be facilitated before the retreat. Please note that we can only accept car pooling requests until one week before the start of the retreat and we will only put participants in touch with one another.

Rejuvenation through Wholesome Food

We believe that a major factor for rejuvenation of the body, mind and spirit is through the foods or drinks that we consume. Our cook prepares and serve tasty, fresh, wholesome vegetarian food that is intended to support your bodies, without using  meat products, sugars or processed food. Our menus help to cleanse and re-balance your body whilst delivering maximum nutrition. All food is served fresh, prepared and cooked daily on the premises, with care and loving attention from our inhouse cook.

Our menus change in line with the seasons. During the warm Summer months, menus tend to be lighter and include more raw dishes. In the cooler Winter months, menus tend to have more hearty cooked dishes, including fabulous soups, but fresh salads are always served once a day. 

Please note that we cannot cater for any other diets or allergies except of lactose and gluten free meals. Should you follow another diet or have any other allergy or intolerance, please bring your own food. In such cases, no partial refund can be granted.

The Programme

The retreat will start on Wednesday 9 July at 11.00, and end on Sunday 13 July at 14.00.

Sample programme for a full day:

07.30 Mindful movement and meditation
08.30  Breakfast
09.30 Karma Yoga (helping in the kitchen etc.)
10.15 Time for individual walks or rest
11.00 Meditation instructions and sitting meditation
12.00 Walking meditation
12.30  Lunch and free time
15.00 Guided mindful walk using all your senses
16.30 Sitting meditation 
17.00 Walking meditation or group sharing
17.45 Body scan practice
18.30 Dinner
20.00 Evening (Dharma) talk and guided meditation (or sound bath healing)
21.15 Rest or further practice

This is an indicative and sample programme, the actual timings might change (except starting and end times). The final programme will be displayed at the location. 

Please note: We will need everyone to commit to the full duration of their retreat.

The Programme

Meet Your Team

Senior mindfulness and positive neuroplasticity teacher Beate Trück

Beate Trück is a certified and experienced mindfulness (MBSR) and positive neuroplasticity teacher, authorised by Dr. Rick Hanson, She is also trained in trauma-sensitive mindfulness and internal family system. She has led many retreats for an international audience over the past years and is also responsible for the  mindfulness teacher training at Brussels Mindfulness. Participants like her warm and personalised teaching and many come back on a regular basis.

Meet Your Team

Assisting Teacher: Luc de Bolle

Luc has been practicing mindfulness for many years, starting with periods of intense formal practice and periods with only informal practice.  Since a few years he has a very steady meditation practice that helps him cope with every day life. He completed the Teacher Training program in 2021 with the intention to deepen his practice. This program also allowed him to practice with like-minded people and small groups. He welcomes the opportunity to share and practice with the participants of this retreat and to assist Beate.

Assisting Teacher: Luc de Bolle

Ayurvedic Massage Therapist Katrien Maes

Katrien Maes, experienced Ayurvedic therapist, will offer full-body massages on 4 July at the rate of €80 for a session of one hour. Katrien has been offering these massage for the past years on our retreats and people are always enthusiastic about them. The massages offer a wonderful opportunity to deepen your relaxation and get more in touch with your body. You will receive more information about how to book a session in the practical mail sent shortly before the retreat.

Ayurvedic Massage Therapist Katrien Maes

Yoga Teacher and Sound Therapist Gosia Marmurowicz

Gosia Marmurowicz is a certified yoga teacher and sound therapist. She specialises in yoga Nidra (sleep with trace awareness) as well as Hatha Yoga infused with elements from various styles and enriched with sound. Therapeutic bowls generate vibrations equal to the wavelength of the brainwaves we produce in our body during deep relaxation and sleep. Sound vibrations promote a quick relaxation and easily penetrate the tissues, bones, and the nervous system, ultimately reaching all the way to the inner cells. This process enhances the body's natural healing mechanisms, promoting total-body harmonisation. During the Summer Retreat she will offer a sound bath evening, enveloping participants in the soothing tones of therapeutic Tibetan bowls, gongs, and other instruments.

Yoga Teacher and Sound Therapist Gosia Marmurowicz


Rate for this transformational retreat of 4 nights/5 days with meals and accommodation in double rooms: 

Full Fee €990 incl. VAT, ( €818 excl. VAT)

Early bird fee until 31 April €890 incl VAT, (€735 excl VAT)

Included in the fee

  • Fees for the teachers
  • Accommodation in double rooms with shared bathrooms
  • All meals (vegetarian and organic) prepared by an inhouse cook
  • Tea, coffee and snacks throughout the day
  • Exclusive use of the entire location, its beautiful meditation hall and garden
  • Lifetime access to over 260 guided meditations
  • A handmade eye lavender cushion for deep relaxation
  • Possibility for daily sharing moments in groups
  • Individual talks with the trainer

Not included in the fee

  • The rent of towels and sheets (preferably bring your own): €15
  • Extra charge for single room: €30 per night  
  • The massages (€80 for one hour)
  • We would like to ask you to bring all extras in cash if possible

Cancellation policy

Please note that this amount is non-refundable. In the event of you being unable to attend the retreat we strongly recommend you have a travel insurance policy in place to cover you if any unexpected problems arise.

For more information please refer to our terms and conditions.

We look forward to welcoming for this very special retreat that we only offer once a year. 

"The location, schedule and teachers created an optimal environment for me to get my mind set to meditation. A wonderful and intense experience which may have lasted longer - but five days is fine!"

"The retreat allowed me to settle my mind, to feel safe and supported. The place was ideal to relax and practice. Jake is an amazing teacher and I learned a lot from his guidance and the way he walks the talk. I will definitively return."

"I attended a 5-day summer retreat with Brussels Mindfulness and I really felt that I deepened my commitment to my mindfulness practice even more. It was a beautiful location in the middle of nature and we were able to attend an intense programme of different mindfulness practices throughout the 5 days; The teachers and the group were very kind and supportive and I felt very well taken care of during the whole stay. Thank you, Brussels Mindfulness team!"

"The Summer retreat was like a breath of fresh air! The timing was just perfect for me. After these days I feel rested and recharged on mental and physical level. Thank you Brussels Mindfulness for organising this retreat on such an excellent level!" 

"A 5-day silent retreat is an excellent way to deepen one's meditation practise and push the reset button. Sometimes it is not always an easy experience but the Brussels Mindfulness staff provides excellent support to guide you through. I thoroughly recommend their retreats, which are extremely well organised."

Read more testimonials here.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions. For administrative and practical questions, please contact info@brusselsmindfulness.be. For questions about our courses and events, have a look at our FAQ.

If you want to discuss something directly with the teacher, you can contact Beate Trück via beate.trueck@brusselsmindfulness.be.

Many thanks for your registration. We look forward to meeting you in the course.

Important information on your mental well-being and silent retreats

While meditation retreats can be very nourishing; they do require sustained meditation practice throughout your time there. This also demands some stability of psychological health and can be triggering for some people.

Have you experienced significant trauma or psychiatric illness, or are your currently struggling with your mental health such as with anxiety, depression, or burnout? If so, a retreat might not be the best option for you at the moment. The teacher might not be able to give you the kind of individual psychological care and support you need right now.

If you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, please discuss your attendance with them. You should be in a relatively stable period of mental well-being and have adequate psychological resilience.

Please fill in the questions in the registration form as open and honestly as possible, this will give us an idea of your current situation. The teacher of the retreat may reach out to you for more information

If you are unsure, or have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us directly at info@brusselsmindfulness.be.

Registration for the retreat

Please fill out the form below in order to register for the retreat. Your answers are important for the trainer to understand your motivation to participate.

All information you provide will be treated confidentially and will never be shared with third parties. We will get in touch with you if we have any questions, so please provide the phone number on which we can most easily reach you. Please check our privacy policy here.

Please check our terms & conditions about cancellations and refunds.

Registration Form

How did you hear about this activity?
What are your reasons to participate in this activity?
What is your experience with mindfulness?
Are you, (or have you been previously), experiencing high levels of stress and/or burn out?
Are you, (or have you been previously), struggling with your mental health?
Have you experienced any physical, emotional or psychological trauma?
If yes, do you have professional support (psychologist, ..)?
Do you have any physical limitations or complaints that the teacher should be aware of?
Do you have any food allergies?
If available, I wish to book a single room at an additional fee
I consent to photos being taken during the session.
I consent: my email address may be shared with others
I have read and understand the health & wellbeing guidelines

You will be asked to fill out your name and further contact details in the next page.
Once you click the registration button, you will be taken to a secure payment system (first e-act.nl and then mollie.com). Your data will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with third parties, except for the information necessary to process the payment.