13/03/25 till 24/04/25
In person


The Library 
Av. Broqueville 40
1200 Woluwé St. Pierre, Brussels

Metro: Montgomery


Taking in the good: developing inner resources through positive neuroplasticity

In-Person 6-Week Course, Thursdays from 19.00 - 21.30 CET

  • Starting on 13 March 2025
  • Course dates: 13, 20, 27 March, 3 April, 17, 24 April

with Beate Trück, Certified Positive Neuroplasticity Trainer by Dr. Rick Hanson

at the beautiful co-working location  "The Library"

Early  bird rate until 13 February

Many people think that their happiness and wellbeing depends on external factors such as money, professional success, love or even the weather. But what if you could learn to be happy, independently of what life throws at you? Would it not be wonderful to know how to restore your happiness when something unwanted happens and to enjoy the good things more fully?

The brain is continually remodelling itself as we learn from our experiences. When we repeatedly stimulate a circuit in our brain, we strengthen it. Because our brain is like Velcro for the bad and Teflon for the good, frustration, worry and stress are quickly wired into your nervous system. To beat this negativity bias, we will teach you a powerful method - using the science of positive neuroplasticity - for truly resilient wellbeing.

True happiness comes from within

Neuroscientist, psychologist, meditation teacher and best-selling author Dr. Rick Hanson has developed a powerful method to transform ordinary day-to-day experiences into inner strengths, such as resilience, self-confidence, compassion, joy and a feeling of being loved. The mindful internalisation of such psychological resources can help us deal with feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, addiction, loss and shame, and support our wellbeing, emotional healing and resilience.

True happiness comes from within

Your brain needs inner gardening

The mind is like a garden which needs to be maintained and cultivated, because if it is left to itself it will develop some unhelpful thinking patterns. We need to regularly pull out weeds and plant new flowers, replacing unhelpful habits and thinking patterns with more helpful and nourishing ones.

A recent study published by the Journal of Positive Psychology on Learning to Learn from Positive Experiences  showed that deliberately internalizing beneficial experiences can lower anxiety and depressed mood, and increase gratitude, self-compassion, and happiness in general.

For whom?

This course is for everyone who is interested in personal growth or who wants to develop resilience and decrease negative thinking. It builds on elements of mindfulness and takes it further by teaching methods that can help to change your brain for the better. While it is recommended as a follow-up training to the 8-week mindfulness course, it is not required to have followed a mindfulness course. It is recommended that you have already some basic experience with meditation or yoga. You can read more on the difference between the 8-week mindfulness course and the PNT programme here.

With this training you will learn to

  • Release fear and develop an increased sense of safety and protection
  • Develop an increased self-confidence and feeling of agency
  • Experience a greater sense of resilience and the ability to bounce back more quickly in difficult times
  • Have a greater feeling of joy, peace and happiness
  • Be able to rise to challenges by motivating yourself and overcoming old fears and pains
  • Become more focused and calmer with a strong sense of inner peace
  • Feel more connected and compassionate
  • Reduce unnecessary cravings and feel more satisfied with your life
  • Discover 15 ways to feel good

What to expect

  • Soothing and uplifting guided meditations based on the teaching of positive neuroplasticity
  • Teachings based on the method by Dr. Rick Hanson, geared towards application in simple steps
  • Practical exercises and sharing
  • Deep learning and connection with each other and the teacher
  • The teaching will be in English
  • The sessions will be held in person in a beautiful location in Brussels, easy to reach via metro (Metro Montgomery)
What to expect

What you walk away with

  • A renewed ability to connect to your own sources of deep joy and calm
  • A feeling of being less stressed and more in line with your purpose in life
  • The ability to tap into your own resources of wellbeing
  • New tools to focus more on the bright side of life
  • New ideas and inspiration on how to deepen your mindfulness or spiritual practice
  • A renewed or deepened meditation habit
  • New like-minded  friends

The location - a haven of peace

The course will take place at The Library Europe, a beautiful and spacious Maison de maître to Montgomery. It is beautifully decorated in Danish design and participants love its cosiness and warmth. Each session you will be spoiled with delicious herbal teas.

The location - a haven of peace

Meet the teacher

Beate Trück

Beate is an experienced mindfulness teacher, teacher trainer and director of Brussels Mindfulness. She has been trained and certified as a MBSR-teacher by Arbor-Seminare in Germany, and has given many workshops, courses and retreats to an international audience over the past years. Beate is also trained as a trauma-sensitive teacher and puts great emphasis on making people feel safe. She has also been trained on positive neuropsychology and HEAL by Rick Hanson from 2015 to 2018 and is since then authorised to teach his method. She is accredited member of the international positive neuroplasticity network led by Rick Hanson. More information on HEAL and positive neuropsychology can be found here.

Meet the teacher


Full fee €449 (including VAT) - €371 (excl VAT).

Early bird rate until 13 February: €399 (incl VAT- 329 excl VAT)

The fee includes the following:

  • 6 weekly sessions of 2.5 hours (total of 15 hours)
  • A comprehensive manual with practical exercises
  • Lifetime access to 30 guided positive neuroplasticity meditations and 250+ guided meditations by our teachers
  • Email reminders and summaries between the sessions
  • Deep learning and connection with each other and the teacher

You can listen to this guided meditation on peace, contentment and love by Beate 

An overview of the 6-week course curriculum

Class 1: The Essence of Positive Neuroplasticity

  • Use your mind to change your brain
  • Use mindfulness to let be, let go, let in
  • Overcome the brain’s negativity bias
  • Use HEAL to turn experiences into inner resources

Class 2: Having, Enriching, and Absorbing Beneficial Experiences

  • Create beneficial, useful experiences
  • Intensify positive thoughts and feelings
  • Have a sense of being on your own side
  • See and believe in the good inside you

Class 3: Linking Positive and Negative Material

  • Recognize and honour your deep needs
  • Grow the inner resources you need most
  • Stay in the “Green Zone”
  • Use positive experiences to heal wounds and empty places inside

Class 4: Growing Strengths for Feeling Safer

  • Get the benefits of self-compassion
  • Manage threats with calm strength
  • Be less anxious
  • Rest in a peace, contentment, and love

Class 5: Growing Strengths for Feeling More Satisfied

  • Feel authentically successful at things
  • Stay motivated
  • Pursue big goals without stress
  • Feel more thankfulness and joy

Class 6: Growing Strengths for Feeling More Connected

  • Increase a genuine sense of self-worth
  • Release envy and resentment
  • Heal deep levels of old pain
  • Combine compassion and assertiveness

From PositiveNeuroplasticity.com

Unlock the power of positive neuroplasticity

Ready to rewire your brain for greater resilience, happiness, and wellbeing? Join us for this transformative 6-week journey and learn how to harness the power of your mind to create lasting positive change.

Sign up today and start building the mental habits that will enhance your life from the inside out.

While meditation and well-being courses, workshops and other in-person events can be very nourishing; they can demand some stability of psychological health and can be triggering for some people.

Have you experienced significant trauma or psychiatric illness, or are your currently struggling with your mental health such as with anxiety, depression, or burnout? If so, it's important for you and the mindfulness trainer to discuss your specific situation as they might not be able to give you the kind of individual psychological care and support you need right now.

If you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, please discuss your attendance with them. You should be in a relatively stable period of mental well-being and have adequate psychological resilience.

Please fill in the questions in the registration form as open and honestly as possible to give us an idea of your current situation. The teacher of the event may reach out to you for more information.

We also ask that if you are feeling ill to consider not attending the class, for the health and safety of the trainer and others in the group.  Listening to your body and taking rest can also be an important act of self-care.

If you are unsure, or have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us directly at info@brusselsmindfulness.be.

"This course has given me the language and very useful basic tools to help me have a more positive attitude towards life. I can now better understand my basic needs in order to be happy and how I can take care of them."

"After many years of searching, high & low and across several different places, courses & approaches, I can say with full confidence that the Positive Neuroplasticity course with the Brussels Mindfulness Institute IS IT. The best course & practice I have come across, in the broad field of mindfulness."

"I’m so happy and fulfilled (with work ongoing / more progress to be made still, of course!) to have found & attended it. The practice has brought a measurable change for the better in my life, I very much feel, and has helped me enormously in dealing with anxiety, stress and (post-) burnout."

"Specifically and on top of the daily practice, I loved the scientific foundations of the course, and the rational(ist) approach at its core. Very solid stuff, with leads & links to additional reading which I have found both fascinating and practically applicable in my psychological & emotive pursuits. I would recommend it very highly indeed!” 

"Without your coaching I wouldn't have the tools to explore and treat my problems. The antidotes you laid out in the pillar connection, examples like rehearsing, using I instead of you to start a conversation has helped enormously. I feel by doing just that, there is a U-turn in my life. Thanks to you and also thanks to me! "

Read more testimonials here.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions. For administrative and practical questions, please contact info@brusselsmindfulness.be. For questions about our courses and events, have a look at our FAQ.

If you want to discuss something directly with the teacher, you can contact Beate Trück via beate.trueck@brusselsmindfulness.be.

Many thanks for your registration. We look forward to meeting you in the course.

We encourage you to register as soon as possible to secure your place.

Please fill out the form below in order to register for the course. This information is important for the teacher to understand your motivation to participate. All information you provide will be treated confidentially and will never be shared with third parties. We will get in touch with you if we have any questions, so please provide the phone number on which we can most easily reach you. Please check our privacy policy here.

If your employer is willing to cover the cost of your course, please send us an email instead of registering via the website, so we can issue an invoice. If you have a diplomatic statute, please email us as well so we can issue an invoice without VAT.

If you have financial difficulties, but feel that participating to this course would help you, please contact us. We will find a solution together. 

Several Belgian health insurances provide partial refunds for mindfulness courses. Please get in touch with your health insurance to find out about the procedure. We will be happy to fill in your form at the end of the course.

Please check our terms & conditions about cancellations and refunds.

Please note: In order to start this course, it is important that you are in good physical and mental health. Especially if you are suffering from acute depression or burnout, we recommend postponing the course until you feel better. If you have professional support by a doctor or psychotherapist, you may wish to consult them first and discuss your ability to participate. The trainers of Brussels Mindfulness are happy to discuss this with you on the phone; however, we cannot take any responsibility for your decision to participate in the course or not.

Registration Form

What are your reasons to participate in this activity?
How did you hear about this activity?
Are you, (or have you been previously), experiencing high levels of stress and/or burn out?
Are you, (or have you been previously), struggling with your mental health?
Have you experienced any physical, emotional or psychological trauma?
If yes, do you have professional support (psychologist, ..)?
What is your experience with mindfulness?

You will be asked to fill out your name and further contact details in the next page.
Once you click the registration button, you will be taken to a secure payment system (first e-act.nl and then mollie.com). Your data will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with third parties, except for the information necessary to process the payment.